Sunday, November 5, 2023

"What Does It Matter?" City Hall Says

The fact of the matter is that if you live on State Street above 3rd Street, you live on a portion of the truck route -- the alternative truck route, if you will.  You won't find it on any map and no one at City Hall will reference State Street and the truck route in the same sentence, but there is no shortage of huge, loud, damaging, disruptive, ugly and unwelcome trucks navigating State Street, including 53-foot trailers being pulled by a tractor of 20 or so feet in length spewing some of the most vile substances known to mankind.  Even on a Sunday morning at 9:00.  

I can't even imagine what it must be like to try to live a decent life on the actual truck route.

It appears that our Police Department no longer bothers stopping and issuing tickets to tractor trailer drivers who disobey truck route signs and stray off the route onto busy, narrow streets and around corners not meant for them.  Apparently, City Hall no longer cares about this issue, and our mayor is too busy making sure his friends at Galvan get what they want.

The tractor trailer in the pictures eventually turned off of the State Street truck route onto 3rd Street, the driver doing his best to get out of town, no doubt following orders from the truck's GPS system.  Happens all the time.

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