Saturday, November 4, 2023

Why Are Our Public Spaces And Parks So Often Ignored By City Hall?

This picnic table, meant for use by the public in the 300 block of Warren Street pocket park (with children's play area), has been in this condition for at least 5 months.  The walking surface in the entire park, from the Warren sidewalk to Cherry Alley, is equally obscene.

If I recall correctly, DPW's annual budget is well more than 4 million dollars, closer to 5 million.

The city's mayor ($75,000 salary) and the DPW's Superintendent ($115,000 salary) were both made aware of this dangerous, broken and graffitied table via email at least three months ago.  DPW is in charge of maintaing all parks except for Oakdale.  

A city hall that actually cares about quality of life issues, livability, decency, safety, and its public spaces and parks should not need to be reminded about a damaged table such as this.  A city hall with some collective common sense would not allow this to be ignored.  A city hall actually paying attention to the important details would have taken care of this table (and the park's walking surface) long ago.  

A mayor worth anything would have taken care of this problem by now, figured out who was ignoring the problem, held someone accountable and made sure that it does not happen again.  Sadly, Hudson does not have that mayor occupying Hudson City Hall, nor will we have that mayor for at least the next two years.

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