Wednesday, November 29, 2023

"What Wrong Way Drivers?"

I came across another busy downtown intersection that is lacking proper safety measures to avoid accidents as a result of wrong way drivers.  If an accident hasn't occured there yet due to City Hall's lack of attention and preventive measures, one is bound to occur sooner or later.  I cringe at the possibilities.

Let's say that yet another driver unfamiliar with Hudson and our one way streets manages to turn onto North 7th Street from Columbia Street or from Long Alley and head north toward State Street.  This is not at all difficult to imagine.  I witnessed, and wrote about, the same scenario a few days ago 2 blocks away at 5th & State.  

When the oblivious driver on North 7th approaches State Street and there are no WRONG WAY DO NOT ENTER signs to heed (or any signs at all!), what do you suppose they might do?  Just like I saw at 5th and State, the driver could easily drive straight through the intersection without stopping.  Can you imagine how bad the accident would be if a car or truck (or two), or a bicyclist, travelling on State Street were to meet the wrong way driver in the middle of the intersection?  Unlike at 5th Street, there are no stop signs for State Street traffic at 7th Street, so vehicles are allowed to travel through the intersection at 30 mph, with many speeding well beyond the speed limit.

Why would a lost driver headed in the wrong direction
 stop at this intersection they shouldn't be approaching?

Of course, if this scenario were to play out and someone were to get killed or seriously injured (possibly multiple people, possibly city officials or police officers on patrol, with ruined vehicles), do you think the city would then decide to put up a sign or two to prevent more preventable accidents at the busy intersection?

One of two things is going on at City Hall to allow such negligence, neither of which should be tolerated any longer.  Either DPW and HPD are not aware of the problem of so many drivers headed the wrong direction on the city's one way streets; or, they are aware of the problem but are doing as little as they can to prevent accidents as a result of those wrong way drivers approaching intersections.

Maybe, come to think of it, there is something else going on, something that has been tolerated for far too long:  City Hall has a communication problem, and no one can be held accountable for their inaction and negligence. The classic "It's not my problem" scenario that often results in regrettable outcomes, including lawsuits settled before a trial.

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