Wednesday, December 6, 2023

It Only Took 5 Years, And It's Already Falling Apart!

In late May, Hudseen reported on our DPW installing a set of 4 crosswalks at the intersection of Warren & 7th Streets which cost the city over $2,000.  The article also mentioned how, years ago and to no avail, 3rd ward council member Shershah Mizan had pleaded with Robert Perry to get a crosswalk across Prospect Avenue at the bottom of Rossman Avenue.  It took 4 or 5 years, but that crosswalk was installed by DPW sometime in the past two or three months, just in time for Shershah's return to the council next month.  He still might have to try to get our DPW Superintendent's ear about the new crosswalk, though.

The eleven lines alone for that new crosswalk cost taxpayers about $450, according to my calculations.  Notice how almost all of one of the 6-foot $42 crosswalk lines has come free of the pavement.  Soon it will be entirely gone, no doubt.  

Using heat-treated decals rather than paint on our streets is a huge waste of money, especially when our DPW doesn't do a very good job of applying those decals.  As I mentioned in the previous article, even a city like Great Barrington, with more money to spend than Hudson, doesn't buy decals for their pavement markings.  Hmmm... I wonder they use paint.

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