Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Whose Park Is It Anyway?

My issue with the sauna operation on the beach at Oakdale has to do with aesthetics more than anything else.  I think the 2 saunas and the changing room (all still on wheels), the tarp-covered wood piles and associated stuff is all ugly and unwelcome, and takes up too much space on the beach.   The beach, after all, is part of the hiking loop around the lake.

Also, though, it was apparent to me from the start that the operators were too comfortable in our public park.  For the past few weeks and for the next few months it seems to be their beach to do as they please with.  They are even comfortable (and stupid) enough to leave a full can of gasoline out in plain sight next to one of their structures while they are not doing business for four days in our public park.   They could have locked their can of gas and generator in the changing room, but they chose not to.  For this alone, their contract should be terminated and they should be told to pack up and never return.

But much of the fault in something as inexcusable and irresponsible as leaving a can of gasoline out like that lies with City Hall.  It's yet another example of a city simply not caring to pay attention.  "Sure, use as much of the beach as you like in our largest natural park.  Do whatever you like, we won't be bothering you about anything!"

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