Saturday, December 2, 2023

This Is Acceptable? After 7 Months And For The Next Several Months? [with update]

It appears that National Grid recently packed up and moved on after finally completing their gas line replacement work in the 200 block of State Street, a project that began in May.  What a lovely mess they left behind for us that a contractor of theirs might clean up in the spring.  There is substantial professional repaving to be done if the street and the entire southern sidewalk are to resemble respectability and be returned to how National Grid found the surfaces 6 or 7 months ago.

Here is some of what remains along State Street on the sidewalk, in the street where bicycles and vehicles travel and alongside and underneath parked cars, a result that our DPW and National Grid consider acceptable.  Would this have been allowed in a less challenged neighborhood, say on Allen Street or anywhere on Warren Street?

Half of a brick, sunken patch,
sharp edges, and no shortage
of freshly cracked road!

Just Another Brick In The Road

Did Robert Perry give the thumbs up for what NG left us?

Snowplows will soon tear this up!

Sunken patch revealing a sharp
edge, alongside parked cars

Thanks National Grid, you really
went above and beyond for us! When
will see a rate hike for all your hard work?

Update Wednesday 12/13:  During his DPW report at Monday's informal council meeting, Robert Perry did not mention anything about National Grid's ongoing gas line replacement work in town.  After the report, though, a council member asked him what was going with the mess on the 200 block of State Street.  Perry explained, "that's a temporary patch," and that he had spoken to National Grid about improving the street.  He then said that a contractor by the name of Talham will be milling the street and  "finishing up the grade with concrete," and that this "should take place within the next week or so."  Don't expect this to happen anytime soon.  Perry made no mention of the sidewalks on both sides of the street which were excavated and patched, and which are also in need of attention.  Note to Perry:  Concrete on sidewalks, asphalt on streets.

Perry also failed to mention anything about the CHIPs-funded street repaving project that, according to him a few months ago, was supposed to take place in November but never materialized.  And no council members asked him about it.  I guess it doesn't matter, even though our street repaving is, at least in recent years, only ever paid for with CHIPs funds.

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What Next?

When the lovely and welcoming "GOT MOLD?" sign at the Greenport Shop Rite entrance is finally replaced (and not a second too soon!...