Wednesday, January 31, 2024

A Little Too Much Roving, Yet Again

Once again, someone driving onto the sidewalk at 3rd and State has wreaked damage for DPW to deal with and spend money on.  While the trash can was mostly spared, the sign pole was not, and it surely saved the can from total obliteration.  Let's hope no one on the sidewalk or crossing the street was hit.

Until a few years ago when it was run over and destroyed by an errant, turning tractor trailer, the trash can at that intersection was located on the southeast corner.  When DPW replaced the can, they tried to put it out of harm's way by installing it on the southwest corner.  It has been hit at least once since then.  Also, 2 years ago I witnessed an errant tractor trailer as it tried to turn left off of 3rd, bent the sign pole and knocked the signs off of the pole, then got stuck. The can was not touched.  A police officer had to take over for the inexperienced truck driver who was in Hudson for the first time, backing the truck up for one block past Columbia Street, then turning the rig onto the 200 block of Columbia before handing the wheel back over to the driver. It was an impressive feat to behold - I don't think I've ever been, or ever will be, so proud of our HPD!

I have no idea if today's (yesterday's?) out of control driver waited for the police to arrive after he or she slammed into the sign pole, nor do I know what became of the signs atop the pole.  But if the vehicle debris left behind after the crash is any indication, the guilty party seems to have been driving a Land Rover.  It's bad enough that the driver takes the name of their car literally, but they seem to be from New York City as well.

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