Thursday, January 11, 2024

And The Sign Of The Year Award Goes To...

Over the past 11 months, Hudseen has run a semi-regular feature titled Sign of the Month, spotlighting obscene and laughable signs put up, or allowed to remain up, by the city along our streets and sidewalks.  Being that we just bid farewell to 2023, I thought I would belatedly try to nominate the worst sign the city had to offer last year.  While there are many candidates to choose from, I whittled the nominees down to just two.

The first one speaks for itself:

The second nominee, which appeared about 2 months ago in front of City Hall, is obviously a much newer sign than the sign welcoming visitors entering the city on 9G.  Even as a relative newcomer, I think it is particularly notable due to its uselessness and ability to confuse, two things so helpful to anyone desperate for a place to park.  At least it is completely readable, though!

Why would anyone park in the metered
parking space (with brand new meter!)?

You see, the sign is directly between two parking spaces on Warren Street -- the new handicap space in front of City Hall and the metered space adjacent to it.  Since the sign does not indicate what parking space (or spaces!) are off limits, you have to wonder who the heck put that sign there and what the hell they were thinking. Why would any parking space(s) on Warren Street-- especially a metered one -- be permanently off limits?  Welcome to Hudson!

I think these two signs might have to share first place as the SIGN OF 2023.  Will they also compete in this year's contest if they stick around long enough?

Stay tuned!

1 comment:

  1. The absurdly bright sign on Green Street Deli is the worst in town. It is worse than high beams from oncoming cars.. It breaks a half dozen city codes.


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