Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Was It Aliens? Or Just Another Truck Straying Off The Truck Route?

Somewhere around 9:00 tonight, the wooden utility pole at the southwest corner of 7th & State was sheared apart about 6 feet above its base. When I arrived, there were no signs of any vehicles having caused the damage. There was no one there besides firemen and National Grid workers surveying the scene. No wires, electric or otherwise, were on the ground and electricity to neighbors was not disrupted.

One fireman speculated that a tractor trailer had cut the corner too sharply and "kept on going."  He was probably right.  The evidence shows that a vehicle did not hit the pole straight on.  Look at the fresh scrape marks on the still-standing pole, which are at about the right height for a trailer as it swept by after the pole had snapped and that upper portion had dropped to the ground, supported by the wires above.  The cab likely snapped the pole while turning, then the trailer scraped the pole as the driver made their getaway.  The old snap n' scrape hit and run, if you will.  

But if the trailer broke and scraped the pole while turning from State onto 7th, why is the ONE WAY sign still standing?  There's no way it would have survived.  Is it possible that the truck had been driving the wrong way on 7th and turning off of 7th onto State, which is what the results suggest?  That would mean that the driver made three big boo boos (driving the wrong way, off the truck route and destroying a utility pole), which wouldn't surprise me one bit.  So many trucks, so many opportunities for mistakes and accidents on our narrow streets not meant for any vehicles approaching the size of a tractor trailer.

Or was it aliens that wreaked this destruction?   Someone has to have a front door video camera near that intersection.  Please let it have been aliens!


National Grid was busy late into the night last night installing a new pole, securing the old pole to it, and transferring their power lines.  Let's see how long it takes Verizon and Mid-Hudson Cable to transfer their lines so that yet another double pole situation does not persist. (Only Verizon can handle the pole removal task (whether the pole is in the ground or not), not MHC.  Once NG transfers their lines, they are no longer responsible for removing the old pole!)

NG still has to transfer their street light
to the new pole

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