Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Isn't This Front Yard Lovely?

The weathered old brick (and pallet) building known as 357 Columbia Street, classified as "Other Storage" in online county tax records, was last sold in 2019 by the owners of the much missed Bonfiglio & Bread cafe. Someone under the cleverly titled moniker 357 Columbia LLC, located at 228 Park Avenue South in Manhattan, bought the large storage unit for $245,000.  One wonders why.

You would think that someone able to shell out a quarter of a million dollars for a dilapidated property could afford to hire a person or a property management service to regularly clear the windblown litter and deposited trash from their property.  Out of sight, out of mind is at work, I guess. 

Perhaps, too, the owner of 357 Columbia knows that the people in Hudson City Hall, including at the Code Enforcement Office, don't care about litter, accumulated garbage on front lawns, eyesores, code violations and quality of life issues.  Why else would the owner not keep their property in decent and respectable condition if they have chosen not to?  Because they're allowed to, of course!

Garbage Creep, onto the adjacent property owned
 by a Columbia County Supervisor representing Hudson

In Ithaca, NY, property owners not living in Tompkins County must provide the city with the name and phone number of a property management service of their choosing.  If a property is found to be full of weeds, tall grass, garbage or anything else the city finds to be a code violation or quality of life issue, the first call they make is to that company, not to the property owner.  Guess who the property management service sends their bill to after they have cleaned the property?  

Ithaca knows how to easily manage the out of sight, out of mind crap that is far too common in Hudson that people living here have a difficult time not seeing and not getting out of their minds. 

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