Friday, February 9, 2024

What A (No) Show!

National Grid's contractor is not working 
on Warren Street today.

While National Grid had a large pole replacement crew on Green Street today creating another double pole situation or three, the company's contractor that has been busy digging up the sidewalks and replacing National Grid's gas lines on Warren Street for the past three months was nowhere to be found.  On a warm, blue-sky weekday you'd think they would be busy trying their best to get their disruptive project finished.  You would also think that the city would demand it of them.  Ha!

National Grid's contractor, Mulllen, has a lot more lumpy portions of asphalt sidewalk along Warren Street to replace with concrete, but they decided to take the day off (to enjoy the nice weather?).  They even left one of their excavators parked in a metered parking space in the heart of the downtown business district, where it will remain for the entire weekend.  Of course, Mullen could have parked that piece of machinery in the vacant lot at 3rd and Columbia where they have been parking their machinery regularly, but they decided to occupy an important and revenue-producing parking space instead.  It was probably just easier for them to leave it there when they were done yesterday.  Plus, no one from City Hall seems to mind.

National Grid is working today, here on 
Green Street

The rather weak recent Register Star article about disappearing businesses and the gas line work on Warren Street did offer one worthwhile reveal, I think.  A spokesperson from National Grid was quoted as saying the following about their interminable project:  "We're hoping to be done before the spring, but it depends on the weather," and "we're trying to get it done as quickly as possible."  Hmmm.... so why isn't your contractor here on a sunny Friday when the weather isn't an issue?  Where is your contractor Mullen today?  Have you ever had an idea or timeline as to when you might complete the work?   Did anyone from Hudson City Hall ask you when you would be finished?  And why did you decide to occupy a metered parking space with your machinery for three days over the weekend that someone visiting Hudson might want to park in to be able to spend some time and money in Hudson?  Did City Hall okay you doing that?  Will you be reimbursing us for the lost revenue in quarters that won't be put in that meter?

National Grid and Mullen do as they please, and no one at City Hall cares or bothers paying attention.  What a show!  A frightening one, if you ask me.

It turns out that the Mullen's excavator is taking up more than one parking space because it didn't pull all the way forward in the space.  The operator could have pulled into the space completely but chose not to.  Think anyone from City Hall cares?

5 or 6 feet to spare

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