Saturday, June 29, 2024

It's Time To Pray To Allah Again ...

... while once again parking in a signed NO PARKING ZONE along a bright yellow curb (aka, NO PARKING ZONE) every weekday for at least one hour.  ALLAH AKBAR!
June 28th.  "So that I may pray, I must ignore the sign 
and the yellow curb, neither of which apply to me."

"I don't know who that sign or that yellow curb is meant for, but it 
certainly isn't me.  What language is that on the sign anyway?"

June 7th.  No worry about tickets, no worry about rules or causing
an accident!  The most important thing is that they must pray every day!

Alongside the mosque that may never get built,
where the rules do not apply to certain people. 
It is as if they are not of this world, not part of a
 community trying to get along with one another. 
Perhaps they have a higher calling, I don't know. 
Why else would these drivers be so selfish,
disrespectful and have such consistent contempt for
clearly posted and marked parking rules?  What other 
rules and norms do you suppose they feel do not 
apply to them?

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