Friday, June 21, 2024

With Great Power (and Light) Comes Great Responsibility! Even Here In Hudson?

Work is progressing slowly but surely on the approximately 175 streetlights along and near Warren Street as National Grid's lighting contractor replaces the energy-sucking incandescent bulbs with more efficient but annoyingly bright LED bulbs.  DPW has always been responsible for the maintenance of the black plastic lampposts (though you wouldn't know it!), but now they are also responsible for the maintenance of the bulbs at the top.  (The picture above shows a lamppost on 7th Street freshly equipped with LED bulbs.)

National Grid's contractor is making sure that there is no ambiguity about this shifting of responsibility by placing a sticker that says as much at the base of each newly LED-equipped post.  They clearly don't want anyone notifying them anymore about our dead streetlights.  

One wonders how much it cost National Grid or Hudson to have those stickers made just for our streetlights and what will happen when the stickers fall off in a few months.  Will anyone bother to replace them?  Actually, it might be a good idea if someone were to see that every lamppost always has a visible and legible sticker so that our DPW can be continually reminded to fix the bases of the posts that are cracked, missing pieces, look like crap, are dangerous and have been ignored for far too long.  DPW shouldn't need to be reminded of their responsibilities, but we have most definitely arrived at that point, and possibly long ago!

Soon and at long last, our DPW will have the added responsibility of maintaining every streetlight in Hudson, a not insignificant change that City Hall has sought for years.  (I don't know if Mr. Perry sought the new lights, though.)  Let's see if DPW can handle the added responsibility, stickers or no stickers.  

Streetlight on Warren that has yet to be 
 equipped with LED bulbs.

New LED bulbs above, longtime access
to live wires below.  I'm thinking that if we had a 
DPW Superintendent who wasn't a slob that 
this would have been taken care of long ago. 
How much worse does this have to get before DPW
 finally does something about it?

This ugly scene brought to you by Hudson DPW

New LED's above, old ugly and broken below

Why isn't Robert Perry's cell phone
work number included?

A neighbor of mine worries that the new obscenely bright LED streetlight in the alley behind her house might be making her plants grow "all crazy."  I'm worried the LED bulbs might make us all grow crazy.  If you can help it, do not stare at them or stand under them for very long!  And don't let your child stick a hand or two through the gaping hole at the base of the lamppost next to the DMV on 6th Street!  If your child does this and immediately dies from being electrocuted right in front of you, you know who not to call!

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