Thursday, July 4, 2024

This Is Just One Of Many Ways For Truckers To Get To Harney Tea! (Without GPS, Presumably!)

Past CMH on Columbia after having left
the truck route at the intersection of 66 & 23B
Approaching a second truck route intersection

After having gone ACROSS the truck route 
to get on the Alternative Truck Route
(ATR, aka, State Street)

the railroad tracks

Approaching 5th Street and a HPD officer in a 
vehicle waiting at the corner for bad drivers.

Do you think HPD cares about yet another huge, noisy tractor trailer off of the truck route?  HA! (If you zoom in on the picture above, you can see the HPD vehicle at the head of the line of parked cars).  The police officer in the all-black patrol vehicle saw the tractor trailer pass by (I made sure of that!) but had no interest in pulling the driver over to ticket him or to see if he was lost to possibly keep his big rig from taking turns at intersections and inching along on streets where a tractor trailer has no place being.  The officer had bigger fish to fry, completely uninterested in the wayward tractor trailer.

"Sorry, not my problem, not my job!"

Onto 3rd Street, as is usual for lost truckers or those preferring to use the ATR!

Will any signs or trash cans be run over this time?

No destruction!  On 3rd Street and ready to get back on the truck route to get out of town, right?

WRONG!  Why not try Allen Street?

"This is my last option! I gotta try this street!"

"Mother%*&$er Sonofa&%$+#"

Okay! Headed to Front Street, right?

"Aha! Finally, it's Second Street!  I can't be
far off now!"

2nd street, at last!

At this point, I had taken so many pictures that my phone battery died!  The driver, at long last on 2nd Street, steered his rig straight across Warren Street, made a long pause at Columbia Street, continued on past Columbia and then past State Street, passing this laughable sign meant for trucks of all kinds quickly approaching arguably the city's second steepest hill:

At that point, the driver likely knew he was nearing his destination, though he probably soon cussed again when he saw how steep 2nd Street became and he had no option but to head down the hill to the end of 2nd Street where Harney Tea is located.
Along his meandering route, the driver also passed these three useless signs found off of the truck route, too late to do any good.  Why even have them posted?  What's a driver supposed to do, turn the fuck around?  If any street signs deserve to get knocked over by a tractor trailer, it is them!

What genius had this sign installed?

More clear evidence of a city unconcerned 
about the effects of the truck route on 
residents' quality of life.
At the intersection of Columbia & Green, the driver may have been following the arrow of this poorly directed sign meant only for truckers headed south on the Green Street portion of the truck route:

As I understand things, Police Chief Mishanda Franklin recently agreed to a request from the truck route committee to have her officers pull over tractor trailers headed into town on Route 9G.  It seems that officers will use a large space off the road at the intersection with Colarusso's haul road to ask truck drivers with trailers longer than 48 feet if they are planning on making a delivery somewhere in Hudson.  If the drivers are planning on passing through Hudson, officers will "warn" truck drivers to never pass through Hudson again using 9G, then send them on their way through town.  If drivers claim that they are hoping to make a delivery in the city, officers will let them continue on without warning, with no concern what streets the drivers use to arrive at their destinations, of course!

It all makes logical sense, doesn't it?

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