Friday, July 12, 2024

This Week's Friday Features (aka, The SINKHOLE Report)

This week on the streets: 

DPW has not touched their unfinished sinkhole repair job on Warren at City Hall Place since they left it unrepaved 9 or 10 days ago.  At one point earlier in the week the cones were on their sides scattered nearby, obviously having been hit by a car or blown over in the wind.

As for the lovely storm drain situation on Carroll Street first reported on HUDseen last week, I can't say for sure that DPW hasn't done anything about it since last Friday even though it is still as bad (or worse) as it was a week ago and worse than it was previous weeks and months.  


More difficult to see at night

That is because it is impossible to say who put a cone on top of the drain earlier this week which by Thursday was no longer in the street.  That may have been DPW's only recent effort with the ugly situation -- one orange STAY AWAY cone on the drain that is now on the sidewalk next to a construction site.  Go figure.


DPW was "busy" at some point early this week covering up yet another sinkhole near a storm drain, this one in the 200 block of Allen.  They have yet to actually work on the problem below.  Paint is now on the street in preparation of quite a large area to excavate.

DPW will soon need to gather some more cones, barriers and plywood for yet another sinkhole adjacent to a storm drain also on Allen that they are not yet aware of.  Actually, that's not entirely accurate -- you can see the hole that has broken through the pavement is in the middle of a DPW patch job from who-knows- when.  Patching sinkholes is merely a temporary, band aid approach, never a permanent solution.  DPW will have to do some excavation and get to the bottom of the issue, so to speak, something they should have done when the problem first arose (or sank). The situation below is now likely worse.

This seems to be a banner year for sinkholes adjacent to storm drains -- a concerning trend that Robert Perry has not mentioned or shown in pictures during any of his recent monthly DPW reports (at least as far as I can tell).

Please, readers, don't hesitate to reach out to HUDseen if you notice a sinkhole or related DPW project that HUDseen has not reported on. It will likely be added to the list of sinkholes, etc that I will keep an eye on for this planned weekly feature.

Oh, yeah, there is also the deplorable, inexcusable curb situation on Columbia west of 6th along the truck route that needs to be added to the Friday Features list of Hudson's ignored and decaying infrastructure:
And the dumpster is back just in time for 
all the farmers market patrons getting from
and to their cars parked in the City Hall lot!
The number of patrons and other pedestrians
 using that sidewalk on a Saturday morning
is in the few hundreds.

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