Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Introducing Our Rude, Snotty So-Called Adult Who Runs DPW!

While at Stewart's yesterday morning, I noticed our DPW Superintendent pull his city-issued Durango SUV into a parking space.  Considering that Mr. Perry is impossible to find in person (he does not work out of the DPW offices in City Hall) and that he appeared to be on the clock, I waited for him to exit before trying to let him know about a few unattended DPW issues I have been wanting to inform him of in person for several months.  This was my rare opportunity.

As Mr. Pery approached his vehicle, I began telling him -- in a calm manner -- that there has been a loose and noisy manhole cover and a loose and noisy water valve cap at the intersection of 6th & State for several months. Mr. Perry, obviously not listening to a thing I was saying, quickly began speaking over me, saying something about an "investigation" I was conducting (that I am completely unaware of).  He ended his sentence with the words "you scumbag."  As he sat in the driver's seat and I began to tell him that there were several loose and noisy manhole covers around town that DPW also seems to be ignoring, our $117,000 DPW Superintendent lifted one of his middle fingers at me as he closed the door.  I think that is body language for "FUCK YOU."  

Mr. Perry closed the door, started the engine to his enormous vehicle, began to back out of the parking space and once again lifted a middle finger at me as he was looking straight at me when he should have been paying more attention to what was behind him.  I think that middle finger thing can also be interpreted as "GO FUCK YOURSELF."  Mr. Perry's Durango SUV left the Stewart's parking lot and entered Green Street about as fast as one can without peeling rubber.  I would say that he was driving recklessly.  And all I wanted to tell him about were issues his DPW should have attended to months ago.

Mr. Perry decided long ago that he was more comfortable 
behind these signs than at City Hall.  It's called being 
unaccountable and not present.  And obscene.  

Mr. Perry would rather be surrounded by
dead people than living people.  The dead 
don't bother him, ask him questions, offer 
suggestions or wonder what he does all day.

Our DPW Superintendent scoots around town taking pictures for his monthly DPW report to the Common Council in a vehicle that, on a good day, gets no more than 16 miles on a gallon of gasoline.  That gas-guzzling SUV gets parked for the night at the water plant at the top of Rossman Avenue, likely where Mr. Perry has an office that he frequents (but won't admit to).  That's also where Mr. Perry typically parks his personal vehicle for the workday.  The office building and water treatment plant are surrounded by a chain link fence, barbed wire and plenty of NO TRESPASSING signs.  The main entrance to the Mr. Perry's hideaway is accessed by an unmarked road through the cemetery, found off of Ten Broeck Lane. Mr. Perry apparently does not appreciate being approached by the public, even those people who help pay his $117,000 salary.  

Yet I'm "the scumbag."

Our DPW Superintendent's personal vehicle, 
parked for the day about as far from City Hall
as can be while still within the city limits.

I have never had the misfortune of dealing with an adult as mean-spirited, unprofessional, immature, snotty and self-absorbed as our DPW superintendent. Honestly, he is frightening.

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