Thursday, February 16, 2023

What happened to the grass?

 This patch of grassless ground at Oakdale Park wasn't always so.

This past spring or summer our DPW did some dredging of the northwest corner of the lake, removing invasive aquatic plants with some heavy machinery.  In the process, the grass near the bank of the lake was torn up.  DPW then did some landscaping, adding a very sandy soil that is not at all welcoming to grass.  Notice how it has a grayish color.

As well as being an area that park patrons regularly walk through and spend time in (notice the picnic table), it is a busy area when the Oakdale summer camp is in session.  Lots of kids running around, enjoying their camp activities by the lake.  Who wants to walk and run around on sandy soil, especially when it's wet?  Especially when there used to be a healthy covering of grass there.

My fear is that if enough rain falls one day, that grassless area may turn into quicksand and swallow some patrons or summer campers.  Then what would our DPW do and say?

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