Wednesday, March 8, 2023

According to Mr. Bower, "It Is Happening"

 Some discussion,
no sign
It has been 4 months since 4th ward alder Malachi Walker made a request to HPD's Ed Moore for a NO TURN ON RED sign at the end of N. 4th Street at State during the November 7, 2022 Informal Common Council Meeting.  The issue of the sign came up at all 3 subsequent meetings, with Vicky Daskaloudi saying this at last month's meeting:  "I spoke with Shane...he told me it is happening."

No discussion necessary

While the months of back and forth, miscommunication, and mismanagement of the NO TURN ON RED sign for 4th Street (as well as a STOP sign requested for Paddock Place) were taking place, DPW's Robert Perry, Jr. somehow found the time and money to install 24 CROSS ONLY ON GREEN signs along Warren Street and on South 3rd.  The only time those 24 signs were mentioned was after they were installed by DPW.  Perry included pictures, explanations, and justifications for the already-installed signs at the February 13th Informal meeting, claiming DPW and HPD had "identified a pedestrian safety issue" along Warren. Since neither Perry, Ed Moore, nor Shane Bower ever once mentioned the "safety issue" or the plans for the signs prior to that meeting or prior to the signs going up, the Council and public was unaware of these things. 

Shane has an excuse for not bringing those issues to the council's and the public's attention before the signs went up -- he was last seen at an Informal Council meeting late last summer, I believe.  What are Mr. Perry's and Mr. Moore's excuses for not mentioning the "safety issue" and the plans to solve "the issue" prior to purchase and installation of the signs?  Is it because if the plan for the CROSS ONLY ON GREEN signs had been revealed to the Council, say in December or January, both men would have been laughed at, told to scrap the idea immediately, and asked to find a real solution to a real problem?

This sign appeared at 4th and
Columbia sometime last year
after very little discussion

According to our City Code, the HPD Commissioner (currently Shane Bower) is the sole city official in charge of ordering traffic control devices to be installed or modified in the City of Hudson.  This includes all traffic signs and lights.  Robert Perry acknowledged this at last month's meeting.  Will Shane and Rob make the NO TURN ON RED sign "happen" on 4th Street before next week's Informal meeting, the 4th meeting since a request for the sign was first made?  Will Shane Bower bother to attend the meeting, even by Zoom?

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