Monday, April 17, 2023

Is Robert Perry Okay?

This was just the beginning
I just got off the phone with James Malcolm of the New York State DEC Water Resources Department, and he had some interesting things to say about the mess that DPW/Robert Perry created in the Washington Street lot, directly across from the Firehouse where City Hall is now located.  I have reported on this issue on April 15th, and March 24th, 28th and 29th.  

Mr. Malcolm visited the site last week and walked around the area with Robert Perry, our DPW Superintendent.  According to Mr. Malcolm, Mr. Perry was told that "the soil needs to be stabilized" and that "mud in the stream area needs to be removed."  In short, DEC was not at all happy with what they saw.  I'm not sure how they would characterize the situation in the Washington Street lot, but I'm pretty sure it would be similar, or identical, to how I would characterize it:  nothing less than a complete crapshow.  Mr. Malcom was expecting a call from Robert Perry today to discuss the matter further and see what the next steps are for DPW to clean up their mess.

How on earth will DPW stabilize a wall of dirt and debris 20 feet high?  And Robert Perry didn't see this coming?  Only a slob doesn't see unregulated and excessive dumping of dirt and debris in a sensitive area as a problem.  A slob whose head may not actually be in the game.

Evidence of debris and fill dumped at
the lot last week.  By whom?

This was all entirely and easily avoidable -- there never should have been so much dumping allowed in that lot.  My guess is that Mr. Perry now knows that.  How much time and money and effort will it take Mr. Perry to fix the big, sloppy mistake he surely regrets making?  

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