Friday, June 2, 2023

A Few Ugly Things About Our Friends At Galvan (And At City Hall)

In mid-February, I reported on Galvan's apartment complex in the 200 block of State Street that had no dumpster for its residents to utilize (see Galvan garbage).  Nearly 4 months later, it is time for an update.

It is still the case that Galvan's residents there have no choice but to leave their bagged and loose trash on the ground next to the complex and along Long Alley.  And that is what they continue to do several months after Galvan had the killer dumpster removed.  Incomprehensibly, the City of Hudson Code Enforcement Office, headed by Craig Haigh, appears not to be interested in doing anything about this obscene code violation.  Of course, the current administration in City Hall is Galvan's biggest booster. 

Here are some pictures taken over the past few weeks, including today, of Galvan's idea of proper waste disposal methods and proper sanitary practices at one of its many properties in the City of Hudson.  Keep in mind that until last October, there used to be a dumpster in the same spot loose trash is now regularly found, including bags ripped into by vermin.

On the other side of town, there is an equally odious disrespect for the community at large. Trying to walk along a Galvan sidewalk on N. 7th Street between Rope Alley and Railroad Avenue presents some serious challenges -- challenges that City Hall couldn't care less about.  Might as well walk in the street, as most do.  Months ago, Galvan ripped up the sidewalk on the west side of the street, and they never trim the trees on the already-narrow sidewalk on the east side.  It's nothing more than a huge middle finger that Galvan proudly displays to all pedestrians, especially the disabled.  City Hall might as well be holding up the same finger. 

Remember: Galvan cares!  Not about you or me or anyone living in Hudson.  They care only for themselves and sucking as much money out of Hudson as they possibly can before moving on to another city.  Savannah, Georgia, perhaps?

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