Thursday, June 1, 2023

More Waster Hauler Bad Actors

My neighbor, as is usual, set out their garbage receptacle on Tuesday night for County Waste to empty the next morning.  The receptacle was not left in the street -- it was on the sidewalk at the curb, as out of the way as it could be for pedestrians to pass.

A County Waste garbage truck came by at some point yesterday morning or early afternoon to empty the can.  The mechanical arms of the truck grabbed the receptacle, hoisted it high and emptied the contents into the truck, all the while with the driver looking on.  Then, it appears, the driver decided it was not worth leaving the receptacle where he found it, instead leaving it in the street 6 or 7 feet from the curb.  I took the picture of the receptacle in the street at 3 pm.

County Waste regularly fails to act responsibly when emptying waste receptacles -- I have seen it many times and it's getting worse.  Since all refuse haulers must be licensed with the City of Hudson DPW (for $1,000 a year), you would think that DPW would give enough of a hoot to prevent this kind of disrespectful nonsense.  DPW paying attention to quality of life issues?  C'mon now!

At 9:30 this morning, the empty County Waste receptacle was still in the street, and I took a picture of it.  2 hours later it was still there, 24 hours after it had been placed in the street by a garbage truck driver who likely does not live in Hudson and who doesn't give a crap about our streets, or, for that matter, doesn't care much about Hudson at all.  This is why we have (or should have) rules. 

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