Wednesday, February 28, 2024

There Has Got To Be A Better Way!

Another temporary ONE WAY sign replacing 
another "permanent" one that was run over again

According to the DPW foreman, the ONE WAY sign on the southwest corner of 5th & State that was knocked over by a vehicle last week was last knocked over in August.  On the pavement in the street, you can still see portions of some of DPW's faded spray-painted letters from 6 months ago next to the same newly spray-painted letters made in preparation of digging up the sidewalk.  Again!

Hope SPRINGS Eternal

A great day to lounge in the park!

(This article was written on Wednesday)

Yesterday in the late afternoon on a spring-like day, one HPD police officer responded to my call about a person passed out on a bench in the 7th Street Park.  10 minutes later at the police station, after the officer had interacted with Michael Madison and left the park, she told me that she didn't ticket Michael Madison for drinking alcohol in the 7th Street Park because the vodka bottle on the ground next to the bench he was passed out on was empty, so she could not determine if it was his or if he had been drinking from it.  I guess the same was true for the two empty beer cans underneath his bench.

Monday, February 26, 2024

A Multiple-Choice Quiz: Patrol Car 6, Where Are You? (And A Plea To HPD)

The 9G speed trap, where HPD regularly enforces the
lowest hanging and most inconsequential fruit

Once again, dear readers, it is quiz time!
Answer the following question with one of the seven choices offered:

Where are you much more likely to find a Hudson police officer in their patrol vehicle by the side of the road doing their best to enforce the city's speed limit and watching for drivers making moving violations such as failing to stop at a red light or stop sign?  Is it:

Thursday, February 22, 2024

She Was Just Trying To Cross The Street. She Had The Right Of Way And Now She Is In The Hospital.

This morning at about 8:00, a woman walking in a pedestrian crosswalk on Green Street was struck by a car turning off of State Street.  The woman was injured, perhaps seriously, and taken to the hospital in an ambulance.  She was strapped into a stretcher, though she did appear to be conscious.  While I did not witness the unfortunate incident, I did hear the driver, a middle-aged male, give his version of events to a Hudson police officer.

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Isn't This Front Yard Lovely?

The weathered old brick (and pallet) building known as 357 Columbia Street, classified as "Other Storage" in online county tax records, was last sold in 2019 by the owners of the much missed Bonfiglio & Bread cafe. Someone under the cleverly titled moniker 357 Columbia LLC, located at 228 Park Avenue South in Manhattan, bought the large storage unit for $245,000.  One wonders why.

Tuesday, February 20, 2024


Last year, at last!

Regular, long-time Hudseen readers likely remember the article from last February, titled YOU CAN'T MAKE THIS STUFF UP, about the installation of two traffic signs that showcased Hudson City Hall's bumbling, dysfunctional and incommunicative nature.  It's one of those stories that tends to stick in the brain.  It still gets read regularly to this day, and for those of you who haven't had the pleasure, you can read it here: (YOU CAN'T....) If you can believe it, the sad saga has recently been revived, getting better or worse depending on your perspective.  Like the original embarrassment, this continuation of it should concern us all, too.  It shows all too clearly, once again, a City Hall still unable to get out of its own way and uninterested in getting things done respectfully or properly.  This kind of bunk rarely happens elsewhere, and where it does occur (or has occurred) is often in corrupt municipalities.  In my estimation, it is a huge red flag about what is going on at City Hall.  Read and draw your own conclusions.

Why Would He Care?

Why do you suppose Verizon hired a local contractor to completely replace a long-time damaged, loose and noisy -- and possibly dangerous -- manhole cover today on N. 3rd Street?  How did Verizon become aware of the problem cover and its supporting structure?  Did they notice it themselves?  No, they did not.  

What Would It Take?

Today on South 7th Street, I noticed a city parking meter enforcement officer walk around these boxes in the sidewalk.  He didn't pick up the boxes, he didn't even kick them to the curb.  He did his best to ignore them and avoid them altogether.  As far as I could tell, he didn't even call DPW or Code Enforcement to inform them of a mess on the sidewalk.  I wonder what it might take for a parking enforcer to take note of a mess on the sidewalk, or a hole in the sidewalk, and actually try to do something about it instead of ignoring it like it doesn't matter?  First, I guess, they need to be taught that crap and preventable tripping hazards on the sidewalk do matter and that they can and should try to do something about them.  Good luck with that!

Moments after the officer passed the boxes, I easily kicked them to the curb.

Friday, February 16, 2024

I'd Like One Accident To Go, Please! No, Make That Two!

Early on Friday evening while in the 7th Street Park, I noticed a line of four double parked cars (with an available space in the middle) in front of the Chinese takeout restaurant Food Sing -- definitely the most I've ever seen there at one time.  This was, of course, on a busy Warren Street between two busy -- and very close -- intersections, one being a turn in the truck route.  It was a mess for several minutes because of the narrowed road in the dark, with cars (some having just turned right off of Park Place) suddenly having to stop to let oncoming traffic pass.  An unnecessary, but common, crapshow, if you will. 

Thursday, February 15, 2024

A New (and Former) Council Member's Priority

At Monday's Informal Common Council meeting, new 4th ward Common Council member Rich Volvo had a "very important" issue to discuss with DPW Superintendent Robert Perry following his monthly report.  This was the first time Volo brought an issue to Perry's attention since Volo was recently welcomed back to the council after a two- or four-year hiatus. 

Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Every Three Days, Just Two Tickets?

Given the amount of speeding, distracted, reckless and wrong way drivers that I regularly see in Hudson, I often wonder just how much of an effort the Hudson Police Department is making to enforce our traffic laws.  The answer appears to be not much.  

Saturday, February 10, 2024

Friday, February 9, 2024

What A (No) Show!

National Grid's contractor is not working 
on Warren Street today.

While National Grid had a large pole replacement crew on Green Street today creating another double pole situation or three, the company's contractor that has been busy digging up the sidewalks and replacing National Grid's gas lines on Warren Street for the past three months was nowhere to be found.  On a warm, blue-sky weekday you'd think they would be busy trying their best to get their disruptive project finished.  You would also think that the city would demand it of them.  Ha!

Big Surprise: DPW Ignores Its Own Rules! Allows Residents To Do The Same!

Every few weeks, a few very large, clear plastic bags full of recycling appear in the 500 block of Rope Alley, often well before the scheduled Wednesday pickup day.  And every few weeks, without hesitation, the DPW recycling crew grabs those bags and places them in the hopper of the garbage truck with all the other recycling and plastic bags they've picked up.  Rather than place what is known as an "OOPS!  You made a mistake" sticker on each plastic bag full of recycling and leaving the bags where they are, DPW ignores its own rule which prohibits residential recycling to be placed in plastic bags.

Thursday, February 8, 2024

Not Only Is There No Curb Cut For Pedestrians, The Elderly and Disabled...

Crossing Warren at 3rd Street.

Years ago at a council meeting, I asked DPW Superintendent Robert Perry why there were so many intersections in town lacking pedestrian curb cuts/ramps and if DPW had a plan to create more.  He responded that it was the property owner's responsibility to install them, not the city's responsibility.  The takeaway for me was that the city really doesn't care if intersections are lacking curb ramps for pedestrians since they aren't making property owners install them where they are lacking.

Galvan's Idea Of A Decent Bicycle Rack For The Armory


In the alley, in a rough lot surrounded by garbage, garbage cans and assorted junk.

Monday, February 5, 2024

At This Rate We May Never Make It (Or: KEEP ON TRUCKIN'!!)

For the second consecutive month, it seems there will be no meeting held for the Ad-Hoc Truck Route Committee to accomplish its herculean task of ridding the city of the no-longer-welcome truck route (if that is their goal - I'm not even sure what it is at this point, actually).  This Wednesday's scheduled meeting has been cancelled and, as far as I can tell, a meeting wasn't even scheduled last month.  This probably shouldn't come as a surprise as it appears that new members have yet to fill the two vacancies created at the end of the year.  According to the city's website, there are presently just three voting members on the Truck Route Committee, all continuing members:  Margaret Morris, Dewan Sarowar and Mohammed Rony.  Who knows, maybe the two vacancies aren't vacancies at all.  How many voting members are required of a committee?  Can we do with just one member? 

Sunday, February 4, 2024

"NO" What?

The sauna business at Oakdale Park seems to have taken on a life of its own, free from the park's rules and any oversight from the city.  This should come as no surprise since our Youth Department is in charge of maintaining the park -- yes, even in the winter.  

"I'm So Sorry Officer, I Didn't Notice A Speed Limit Sign. Is There One?"

The 30mph speed limit sign at the entrance to Hudson on 23B has been on the ground for at least 3 months.  At least it's been facing up!

HPD and DPW take our speeding problem seriously, don't they?  They are on it like flies on poop!

No Problem, I'll Just Walk Where The Trucks Are Rolling By!

Columbia Street is not only our vexing truck route, but also a place where pedestrians can be made to feel especially ignored and unwelcome, even non-existent.  Here is just one example of many.

Thursday, February 1, 2024

The Meanies At City Hall, At It Again!

The most lucrative nights for the City of Hudson are always on a night like last night when the 31st day of a month ends and another odd day begins (the 1st of the month), when the alternate side rule isn't at all alternate during two consecutive nights.  Residents who mistakenly flipped their car to the even side last night, trying their instinctual best to avoid getting a $15 WRONG SIDE PARKING ticket, were likely issued a ticket by HPD.  The two consecutive odd numbered days that occur 6 times a year fool a lot of people (there are 7, but no tickets are issued on New Years Day), and City Hall reaps the benefits that I refer to as ill-gotten gains.  This shouldn't be happening at all, not if City Hall actually cared about us.

What Next?

When the lovely and welcoming "GOT MOLD?" sign at the Greenport Shop Rite entrance is finally replaced (and not a second too soon!...