Thursday, May 9, 2024

A Glimmer Of Hope, Perhaps?

Galvan's sidewalk chasm

Sometimes you just have to ask.  Or tell.

One of Hudseen's first postings, way back in February of last year, was about an obscene sidewalk tripping hazard on Columbia Street that I referred to as "the chasm."  Of all the tripping hazards in town, this one has bothered me the most ever since I came upon it about 6 years ago, and for a number of reasons.  First, it was just beyond the pale and so bloody dangerous.  Second, it was always there year after year, basically a hole in the sidewalk waiting to do someone serious damage and lacking any warning in the form of a cone or spray paint.  It was as if no one cared, especially the property owner and City Hall.  Third, it was on a sidewalk next to a property owned by Galvan, the gang that claims to love and do so much for the "Hudson community."  Obviously, they sincerely care about all of us, including our safety and health and whether or not we live to walk another day.  T. Eric Galloway cares so much about us all that it probably hurts him to wake up in the morning.

Tired of cursing at and having to step over Galvan's sidewalk chasm, on Monday, February 26th, I decided to try to do something about it.  Yes, I actually walked into the Code Enforcement Office and told Craig Haigh about the chasm sidewalk hazard.  He wrote down the address and told me that he would "look into it."

Since this was my first time informing the CEO of a sidewalk hazard, I asked Craig how my complaint would be handled.  He told me that if he determined that the missing sidewalk was indeed a hazard, the property owner would be notified about it.  A few weeks later, I asked Craig if he could give me an update on the status of the chasm.  He would only tell me that the property owner "had been notified about it."  

"Is there any document I can see indicating they have been notified of the tripping hazard on their sidewalk?" I asked.

"No.  They have been notified," he repeated.

Just over two months later, it appears that someone at Galvan was indeed notified about my complaint of their obscene sidewalk hazard on Columbia, because on Monday it was filled with concrete to the level of the surrounding sidewalk.  One of the worst tripping hazards in the entire city, if not the worst, is no longer around to annoy everyone and possibly put someone in the hospital or morgue.  That section of sidewalk is now respectable and safe, if not real attractive.

Sidewalk now fit for humans and baby
 strollers.  Thanks Galvan, but why did you
 have to be told to take care of this?

No mayor for the past 6 years (or more) got the chasm taken care of by informing the CEO of it. No council members got this done. No one from the Sidewalk Committee, the Legal Committee nor the Public Works Committee got this done.  After years of work with a paid attorney, we now have a sidewalk improvement plan in place based on Ithaca's model.  Hoorah!  Yet amid all that effort no one thought to walk into the Code Enforcement Office and say, "You really ought to have a look at the sidewalk next to 25 North Fifth, it's really dangerous."  That is, until I finally did, and it seems to have paid off. No more chasm, just like that (thank you, Craig!). 

This city is so bizarre.

Emboldened, on Tuesday I informed the Code Enforcement Office of Galvan's horribly dangerous and obscene stretch of sidewalk on South 5th Street from Warren to Cherry Alley, perhaps the longest most dangerous stretch of sidewalk in the entire "Hudson community."  Craig told me that he would "look into it."  (I was recently informed that a woman who tripped and fell there last year has sued Galvan.)

Next to go?
Today's Takeaway: While our Code Enforcement Office regularly inspects houses and buildings for building, fire and plumbing code violations, they do not actively inspect our sidewalks for code violation hazards that might injure or kill someone. IF YOU WANT A TRIPPING HAZARD ATTENDED TO, YOU MUST LET THE CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICE KNOW WHERE THE HAZARDS ARE.  THE CEO IS NOT LOOKING FOR SIDEWALK HAZARDS ON THEIR OWN.  A FORMAL COMPLAINT IS NECESSARY IF YOU WANT ANY CHANCE OF ENFORCEMENT AND RESOLUTION. (Why is this not clearly stated on the main page of the city's website in a city full of sidewalk tripping hazards ignored for decades?)

I'm not guaranteeing that a sidewalk hazard will be repaired if you inform Code Enforcment about it, but it is entirely possible and might be worth your effort.  Each of us is all too aware of at least a few sidewalk hazards that have been around for far too long and drive us bonkers, aren't we?
Galvan workers finally filling their chasm
in the sidewalk with concrete this week. 
Park your truck headed in the wrong direction
 in a NO PARKING zone, why don't you!

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