For those of you who haven't noticed, DPW has been installing smaller street signs around town for quite some time, perhaps for the past year or so. The new signs appear to have the same width, but their height has decreased, making for a more cramped, less readable street sign.
HUDseen is a mostly pictorial blog dedicated to exposing all things dangerous, ugly, hypocritical, and inexplicable in Hudson, NY that go unseen or ignored by Hudson City Hall. As well as other random, curious, concerning, and interesting things seen and tripped over in Hudson.
Friday, June 30, 2023
Thursday, June 29, 2023
City Hall Is Not Holding Up Its Part Of The Contract
This morning, I noticed this car parked on South 7th Street with two $10 meter violation tickets on its windshield, one issued today and the other issued yesterday. City Hall has no shame.
You Installed A Stop Line Where, Mr. Perry?
The recently installed stop sign and $126 stop line on Paddock Place |
Wednesday, June 28, 2023
And The Award For This Month's Most Attractive and Most Well Maintained Vacant House Goes To....
The Galvan Initiatives Fund, owners of the lovely single family residence at 59 Short Street!!!! Congratulations Galvan people -- you deserve this month's award, even if it was a long time coming!
Tuesday, June 27, 2023
A Busy Day In Hudson City Court Today, Including A Rare Appearance By Michael Madison
It was a busy and varied session this morning with Judge Connor presiding at Hudson City Court. A welcome surprise for me was a rare appearance by jailed defendant Michael Madison, who apparently decided it might be worth his while to appear in front of the judge rather than refuse to budge from his jail cell, as he has done on several recent occasions. Before I get to Madison's case, I will briefly describe what else Judge Connor was dealing with today, both before and after Madison's case was called.
Monday, June 26, 2023
Robert Perry's DPW At Their Best
Sometime in late fall of 2021 at an Informal Council meeting, first ward council member Art Frick offered a rare criticism to Robert Perry after the DPW Superintendent had finished with his monthly report. It went something like this: "Mr. Perry, I heard from a constituent of mine who was not at all happy with recent DPW work of painting certain curbs with yellow paint. She told me that since no cones were placed near the wet paint, a vehicle had driven over the curb and trailed wet paint into the street. She said that it was nothing less than a crapshow." (That last word I do specifically remember). I don't recall exactly how Perry responded (he was on Zoom, of course), but it certainly wasn't an apology.
Friday, June 23, 2023
Thursday, June 22, 2023
More Bicycle Racks We Don't Need or Want
Several years ago at a Common Council meeting, before there were any bicycle racks in downtown Hudson, I asked DPW Superintendent Robert Perry why there were no bicycle racks to be had. He responded that it would be a bad idea because "they will just get vandalized." About 8 months later, two bicycle racks appeared, thanks to the Rotary Club. They bought the racks for the city, then DPW installed one in the 7th Street Park and one in the 500 block of Warren Street pocket park.
The Record Man Cares! So Does Code Enforcement!
I used to notify Code Enforcement about blatant code violations like this until I realized it was a complete waste of my time.
Wednesday, June 21, 2023
Just Put It At The Curb, They'll Take It Away
Some of the things that people include in their recycling piles and bins for DPW scare me. I understand that some people still don't know that plastic bags are garbage, but shards of half-inch thick window glass on top of a bag full of paper? This might take the cake.
What Are Shershah Mizan's Priorities?
163-165 Green Street, owned by Shershah Mizan. |
Tuesday, June 20, 2023
Permits? We Don't Need No Stinking Permits!
The DPW clerk at City Hall just confirmed to me that Sal's Contracting was not issued a $25 Sidewalk Permit to block the sidewalk in front of 50 N. 5th Street, as they have been doing for well over a week. Sal absolutely knows about his responsibility to get permits when his work takes up sidewalk and street space. He sees no need to bother, though. He's a smart, tough guy.
Our Pals At Galvan
Look where a Galvan maintenance worker decided to park his van this morning while servicing the Galvan-owned building at the corner of 3rd and Columbia. Of course, the NO PARKING ANY TIME sign does not apply to the sidewalk, nor to Galvan.
I'm Not The Only One Who Will Need Some Salvation!
For the past few months, I have been considering writing an article about the Salvation Army thrift store on Fairview Avenue in Greenport, tentatively titled "What's Happened To Sal's?". The store has not been the same for a few years, and I've told more than one friend recently that I would not be surprised if the place packed up and closed for good. It turns out that my prescience, as usual, was not misguided.
Monday, June 19, 2023
When A "Couple Hundred Dollars" And Reckless Driving Is "Not A Big Deal"
It has been two months since a vehicle hopped the curb and knocked out the pair of parking meters and meter pole in front of Rogerson's Hardware in the 600 block of Warren Street, doing some damage to the store's facade as well. Last night or this morning, it was the 500 block's turn for nearly the same thing. I only saw the aftermath, not the accident or the vehicle(s) involved.
Friday, June 16, 2023
Is This The Person We Want "Leading" The 3rd Ward?
The self-titled "proven leader" Shershah Mizan is once again running for a seat on the Common Council. I recently received a mailing from him that also appears to have been mailed to the several hundreds of residents in the third ward, a list of which is available to all candidates from the County Board of Elections. The envelope, with a 63-cent first-class stamp on it, contained an 8x11 sheet of paper he stamped as a "sample ballot," showing how to vote for him in the upcoming primary. The mailing also contained a slick 9-inch x 4-inch flyer with his picture and listing all his supposed qualities and objectives. The dude is spending some cash to get back on the council. It struck me as desperation, not true interest.
Thursday, June 15, 2023
Can The City Issue Code Violation Notices To Itself?
So safe and welcoming! |
How DPW Wastes Our Tax Money and Why We Need A City MANAGER (in many words and pictures!)
Why are Hudson taxpayers paying to have a grocery store and bodega's huge amount of recycling removed every week? |
Wednesday, June 14, 2023
Is This Infrastructure Project Worth Mentioning?
NG's State Street gas line replacement project |
Tuesday, June 13, 2023
What Is Code Enforcement Waiting For?
It seems to me that enforcing the city code is critical beyond just keeping the city from looking horrible. In my mind, keeping code violations to a minimum by enforcing the code consistently and equally can also prevent serious escalation of issues between neighbors. No one should have to ask a neighbor to remove or to cease creating a clear code violation that is also a quality-of-life issue. It often doesn't end well and certainly doesn't foster friendly neighbors. Think of the City Code as protection against all sorts of things, including ugly reactions from our neighbors who we may know little about.
Parking Tickets: More Than Just Declining Revenues
As I have written in previous articles, City Treasurer Heather Campbell regularly mentions in her monthly Common Council meeting report that revenue from parking tickets is down, and last night was no exception. She said that revenue typically picks up in the summer, and that she was confident it would do so soon.
Safety First? Or Last?
This is one of two signs on north side of the 500 block of Warren Street trying to get pedestrians to cross the street to avoid walking in the street in front of the blocked sidewalk in front of City Hall. The sign hasn't been near the sidewalk or helpful to pedestrians for at least 2 months (not that anyone was paying attention to it to begin with). The sidewalk in front of City Hall has been closed off since early March.
Meanwhile, once again this morning, I saw no work taking place by the contractor to replace the missing sidewalk in front of City Hall.
Monday, June 12, 2023
Why Replace The Sidewalk First?
Closed off 3 months ago |
Seems to me that the wise and logical thing to do when blocking a busy sidewalk which forces all pedestrians well into a busy street is to actually work on the sidewalk to get it once again passable as soon as possible. Blocking the sidewalk, removing the sidewalk, doing a little bit of work on the sidewalk, and then concentrating on work elsewhere seems dumb and disrespectful. You know, finish the work you started, especially when that work is inconveniencing other people and putting them in harm's way.
Saturday, June 10, 2023
As Predicted, The Pocketbook Factory Project Is A Nuisance To The Neighborhood! Already!
This is what the 4 floors of the Pocketbook Factory look like every night. The light bulbs inside, well over a hundred of them, remain on 24/7. The crew that used to work on the building was last seen there over 3 months ago. Of course, the building is in a residential area. NE corner, at 6th and Washington SE corner, at 6th and Prospect
Friday, June 9, 2023
God Save Us
The scene today behind 64 N. 6th Street |
A City Hall That Still Doesn't Get It
The DPW Sidewalk Permit that was issued to the contractor planning on working on the outside of 617 Warren, where CVS is located, expired 6 months ago. The scaffolding blocking the sidewalk went up in December, but no one has ever been working there. Ever. Why on earth does DPW allow the scaffolding to remain if the contractor is not actually using any of it? For 6 months! Even if the contractor had a valid permit for the scaffolding, not using it should not be acceptable.
More evidence of a city that really doesn't care about our sidewalks or pedestrians.
Thursday, June 8, 2023
The Future Of Hudson, As Seen On Cross Street
How To Create A Speed Trap
Conspicuous, but meant to be ignored! |
(I will focus on the southbound lane of Harry Howard).
Wednesday, June 7, 2023
It Happend In City Court
As I have expressed in several articles, Hudson City Court can be entertaining, even amusing and perplexing at times. Such was the case yesterday in Judge Connor's court.
Tuesday, June 6, 2023
How Hudson City Hall Adds More Toxins To Our Air And Our Lungs
Traffic on S. 3rd Street waiting for a green light that lasts just 20 seconds |
Monday, June 5, 2023
Missing Meter$, Missing Monie$
As you may know by now, I have thrown my hat in the ring to become 3rd ward alderman on November 7th. Running as an independent, I was allowed to create my own party name. I chose Fiscal Responsibility, even if it does sound like some sort of Republican small government party label (I assure you that was not my intention). The amount of money I see wasted in Hudson City Hall never ceases to astound me, and that is one of the issues that I hope to focus on as an alderman. In the meantime, I will continue to use Hudseen to illustrate the ridiculous waste of money and inefficient use of resources at City Hall.
Today's topic: Parking meters! Broken meters, to be specific.
Stoned? Drunk? Or Just A Really Bad Driver?
Sunday, June 4, 2023
Entitled? Or Just A Jerk?
After my call to HPD this morning, the owner of this car was issued a $10 IMPROPER PARKING ticket for parking on the sidewalk. All of TEN DOLLARS for deliberately parking on the sidewalk, the same amount as a METER VIOLATION ticket.
Saturday, June 3, 2023
Narcissist? Or Just Entitled?
Friday, June 2, 2023
We Do Not Currently Have An Acting Police Chief. It Seems We Have A "Member In Charge," Instead.
Lt. David Miller is in charge of HPD for the time being |
A Few Ugly Things About Our Friends At Galvan (And At City Hall)
In mid-February, I reported on Galvan's apartment complex in the 200 block of State Street that had no dumpster for its residents to utilize (see Galvan garbage). Nearly 4 months later, it is time for an update.
Thursday, June 1, 2023
More Waster Hauler Bad Actors
My neighbor, as is usual, set out their garbage receptacle on Tuesday night for County Waste to empty the next morning. The receptacle was not left in the street -- it was on the sidewalk at the curb, as out of the way as it could be for pedestrians to pass.
A County Waste garbage truck came by at some point yesterday morning or early afternoon to empty the can. The mechanical arms of the truck grabbed the receptacle, hoisted it high and emptied the contents into the truck, all the while with the driver looking on. Then, it appears, the driver decided it was not worth leaving the receptacle where he found it, instead leaving it in the street 6 or 7 feet from the curb. I took the picture of the receptacle in the street at 3 pm.
What Next?
When the lovely and welcoming "GOT MOLD?" sign at the Greenport Shop Rite entrance is finally replaced (and not a second too soon!...
Did someone say something about the need for a stop sign? At the November 2022 Informal Common Council meeting, 4th ward alder Malachi Walke...
I recall that it was in the winter of 2015 that Hudson City Hall (or just DPW) made the brilliant decision to turn the basketball courts at ...
It appears that National Grid recently packed up and moved on after finally completing their gas line replacement work in the 200 block of S...