This morning I noticed an unfamiliar name on a garbage truck doing its work on South 7th Street. I also noticed that the operator of the truck was emptying trash and recycling receptacles with the Superior Waste logo on them into the same hopper of the truck. So I asked the garbage man if Superior Waste had changed its name to Oak Ridge Waste and Recycling.
HUDseen is a mostly pictorial blog dedicated to exposing all things dangerous, ugly, hypocritical, and inexplicable in Hudson, NY that go unseen or ignored by Hudson City Hall. As well as other random, curious, concerning, and interesting things seen and tripped over in Hudson.
Wednesday, May 31, 2023
What Price Crosswalks?
Tuesday, May 30, 2023
Nice Work If You Can Get It!
The Albany Times Union newspaper ran an article on May 7th regarding an officer in our Hudson Police Department by the name of Jacob Hoffman. Written by Roger Gilson and Emilie Munson, it is titled Hudson Police Officer Investigated Four Times In Five Years. Taken together, the officer's misdeeds are astounding. More astounding is the fact that Hoffman is still a paid Hudson cop, though an inactive one. I will offer some quotes from the article.
What is Going On With The Pocketbook Factory Project?
There seems to be no change at the Pocketbook Factory since I last reported on the lack of progress there about 6 weeks ago. Work on the building on N. 6th Street seems to still be on hold. The large crew that was there regularly earlier this year is long gone, and there has been no activity there in weeks. Gates were locked late this morning, with no cars in the contractor's headquarters on Washington Street.
Monday, May 29, 2023
No Excuse!
Tall grass along a popular trail, impossible not to brush up against |
Blocked Sidewalk Absurdity Of The Week
How many more months will this barrel remain blocking the sidewalk... |
Saturday, May 27, 2023
Is This How They're Taught To Park In Jersey?
A parking enforcer issued a $10 Improper Parking ticket and a $10 Meter Violation ticket |
There's no way the driver of this vehicle didn't know they were parking on the wrong side of the street. They likely just got fed up looking for a space on the correct side of the street.
Friday, May 26, 2023
I Think I Witnessed An Incident Of Court Rage, Just As I Predicted!
On Tuesday, Judge Connor's scheduled 9:00 am court session began at 9:20 to a relatively small crowd of defendants, maybe 10 in total.
Does DPW Superintendent Robert Perry Find This Acceptable? Does He Even Care?
It used to be that if anyone wanted to ride their bicycle on the upper portion of Promenade Park, they had to dismount and carry their bicycle up the stairs or walk their bicycle along a short and bumpy trail to the park located on the other side of the Chamber of Commerce building parking lot. Neither of them was an easy option, but it did not deter certain riders, including a few regulars on electric bikes (yuk!) often seen riding in the park. After the recent improvements to the park's entrance, including a much needed pedestrian ramp to get to the top, riding a bicycle anywhere in the park is now a breeze, and apparently an acceptable activity.
Thursday, May 25, 2023
Quick! Fix The Street For The Cars And Trucks! Don't Worry About The Carless Fools!
For several weeks last year (or, possibly, the year before), the sidewalk in front of 523 State Street was blocked, forcing pedestrians into the street. There was never anyone working on the vacant house and no one at City Hall seemed to care. The same nonsense is going on right now in my neighborhood once again, displaying a disgraceful disregard for pedestrians and the disabled. We live in an automobile-centric world, where pedestrians are often, at best, an afterthought. This is especially true in Hudson in general and in Hudson City Hall specifically. Just ask the Federal Department of Justice.
Wednesday, May 24, 2023
Unfounded Claims of "Personal Privacy," Alive And Well at HPD
It's likely old news to most readers that the City of Hudson Police Department has a long history of corruption, abuse, and shenanigans dating back over a hundred years.
Tuesday, May 23, 2023
They're Still Here! At Just $1,900 A Day!
GPRS listening to a fire hydrant on the 500 block of State Street in April |
Monday, May 22, 2023
Another Reckless Driver (Or Two). 2 More Cars Totaled.
The Downtown Beautification Policy at Robert Perry's DPW
The cheaper, preferred method |
It Happened In Hudson City Court -- "In The Interest Of Justice!"
One of the most puzzling things to me about Hudson City Court proceedings (and there are a few!) is that there is no such thing as traffic court day -- that is, one day of the week or month where traffic violations, and nothing else, are handled. As it is, showing up to court to get a simple traffic violation taken care of might find you waiting and watching all sorts of other court cases. On rare occasions, there can be drama and amusement while one waits one's turn to face the judge, as was the case last Wednesday in Judge Connor's court.
Sunday, May 21, 2023
The Maker, Making Things As Pretty AND As Difficult As Possible For Pedestrians
I counted 14 large metal planters along the sidewalk in front of the Maker's property, including near their gym. At least two of them make the already narrow sidewalk/public right of way narrower.
Saturday, May 20, 2023
What Is Robert Perry Concerned About If Not This?
Today I counted 74 plastic bottles and aluminum cans floating inside the storm drain in the northwest corner of the City Hall Municipal Parking Lot. Of course, there's all sorts of other trash in there, too, and that may be just in the top layer. This does not seem to be a concern for our DPW Superintendent Robert Perry.
If No One At City Hall Is Paying Attention, They Aren't So Much Accidents As They Are Inevitabilities
At about 11:00 this morning, there was another 2-car accident at the intersection of 4th and Columbia. Have you already guessed that someone ran a red light? Well, you wouldn't be too far off.
Friday, May 19, 2023
Why Does DPW Even Bother Mowing This Huge, Unused Lawn?
Waiting For The Improvements
This is a truly slow work in progress.
There are now 4 pedestrian crossing signals installed in the ground waiting to be activated. When this project is completed, signals and other improvements notwithstanding, it's still going to be a frightful crossing area for pedestrians.
How Low Can We Go?
Downtown Hudson, NY in 2023 |
Chapter 244-25 of the Hudson City Code covers the content of signs. The last sentence in that section states that "It shall be unlawful for any person to display upon any sign or advertising structure obscene, indecent or immoral matter." If the Green Street Deli's cigarette signs aren't obscene and indecent, I don't know what is. Does Craig Haigh decide what content on signs may be immoral, indecent or obscene?
Even the drive-thru cigarette shack on Fairview Avenue in Greenport doesn't have this amount of obscene cigarette advertising out front for all to see.
Thursday, May 18, 2023
Are The Hudson Police Chief and Commissioner Merely Figureheads? Still?
According to old articles found online, former Hudson Mayor William Hallenbeck referred to both Police Chief Ed Moore and Police Commissioner Gary Graziano as "figureheads" during a mayoral debate in October of 2015. Hallenbeck was not reelected; Ed Moore stuck around for 7 more years; and there have been 2 police commissioners since Graziano stepped aside after an embarrassing comment and disagreement with Mayor Hamilton a year later.
Wednesday, May 17, 2023
How I Will Remember Police Chief Ed Moore's Tenure
In homage to our departing Police Chief, I would like to share a personal story about the Hudson Police Department that I will always associate with Ed Moore, the person supposedly in charge of HPD officers (at least until tomorrow). It's a story that typifies how unprofessional some HPD officers could be during Ed's tenure.
Tuesday, May 16, 2023
Property Of The Month (Part II)
Do You Think Robert Perry Cares? [with update]
A paving contractor from Troy known as Bob Talham, Inc. (BTI) recently dug up at least two large portions of sidewalks in town. Last Friday I asked the DPW clerk if anyone had been issued permits to rip out and block the 2 sidewalks, and if she had even heard of the company BTI. The answers were no and no.
Monday, May 15, 2023
Robert Perry Spent $1,360 For What Purpose?
As I wrote about in the April 21st Hudseen article titled The Other DPW Fiasco Continues, Hudson DPW had no choice but to buy stones for the heavy machinery they needed to use to get at the pipe buried by the mudslide of a portion of the fill and debris dumped in the Washington Street lot last year. Stones are not cheap.
Robert Perry's Problem Is Our Problem, Too
Since I am naturally drawn to all bodies of water -- lakes, streams, rivers, ponds, marshes (love me a marsh!) -- I have been curious for several years about the stream that runs along the parking lot of Oakdale Park feeding Underwood Pond and, ultimately, our Hudson River. The only water feeding that stream used to come from the large pipe, known specifically as Outfall Pipe #6, which funnels water from near the County DSS building located to the east of the park.
Friday, May 12, 2023
How Many Registered Short-Term Rentals Are There In Hudson?
A few years ago, at an Informal Common Council meeting, I asked City Treasurer Heather Campbell why there was no list of the registered short-term rentals (STRs, made up primarily of hotels and AirBnB's) on the Treasurer's website. Considering the proliferation of STR's at the time, as well as the issue of AirBnB's skirting Hudson's STR laws, a list available to the public online seemed like a logical thing to have, so I asked Heather if she thought a list on her webpage would be a good idea. She replied that if any Hudson resident wanted to know if a property was a registered STR, they could call her office to get an answer. I decided not to push my point.
Thursday, May 11, 2023
Even The Trucks Making Deliveries Are A Problem
Never should have been on Warren in the first place |
This tractor trailer attempted to turn on to 3rd from Warren late this morning, but gave up after a few back and forths. The driver then proceeded slowly up Warren with hazard lights flashing. Then he turned on to Park Place, turned left on to Columbia and, now out of my sight, likely followed the truck route west and south out of town, finally getting through the intersection of 3rd and Warren properly.
When Will CSX Return To Make Things Look Decent In The Park?
This Chestnut Tree On N. 6th Might Be The Prettiest In Town
Is there a prettier, grander tree in bloom than this chestnut on N. 6th?
Wednesday, May 10, 2023
The Washington Street Lot Fia$co Continues -- The Fun Begin$
That's Robert Perry on the left, leading a tour of the mess he created for the engineering firm he was forced to hire by the NYSDEC |
Tuesday, May 9, 2023
Pictures Not Seen On The City's Website
I wonder if 2nd ward alderman Mohammed Rony, who lives across the street, gives a hoot about this |
Sidewalk Trees Wanted, Dead or Alive
There appears to be a new sidewalk tree on the way in front of a house on the 200 block of Union Street which will accompany a dead tree and a patch of missing sidewalk full of grass. How many trees is one property allowed to attempt before they are denied another tree?
What You May Have Missed At Last Night's Common Council Meeting
This way to the exit? |
Monday, May 8, 2023
Does Our Police Chief Offer A Complete And Accurate Report?
At an Informal Common Council Meeting last October or November, Police Chief Ed Moore cited data regarding drunk drivers in the City of Hudson. He claimed that 3 drivers had been found to be driving while impaired during the previous month, chalking this low number up to his department's efforts to curb drunk driving in the city (how they do this, I do not know). The impression Moore was trying to convey, at least in my mind, was that drunk driving in the city is not a big problem, and that HPD has it under control.
Sunday, May 7, 2023
When Sidewalk Trees Are An Unwelcome Annoyance
Many new sidewalk trees will be installed this year, as evidenced by spray-painted white boxes that have recently appeared on our sidewalks. The Conservation Advisory Council takes requests for the trees, and, if approved, someone (the CAC? DPW?) spray paints a box on the sidewalk where the sidewalk is to be removed and a tree planted. Residents can request exactly where on their sidewalk they would like the tree to be placed, but if there are overhead wires or other issues, then the CAC (or DPW?) decides where the tree will instead be installed.
Dandelions, What Dandelions? Grass, What Grass? Weeds, What Weeds?
Website picture of the Armory |
Saturday, May 6, 2023
Exhibit A: The Direct Result of Dysfunction And Lack Of Accountability in Hudson City Hall
Last night there was yet another auto accident at the intersection of Columbia and N. 6th Streets. I did not witness the accident, but the results were still strewn all over the street this morning. A nearby resident who heard the accident and saw the aftermath told me that a pickup truck and a car met in the middle of the intersection, like so many times before. Yes, someone likely ran a red light again at this busy intersection along our truck route. (One of the vehicles may have been going the wrong direction on 6th, according to my neighbor)
Friday, May 5, 2023
Galvan Runs A Nursing Home On State Street?
Here is one of Galvan's lovelier properties, 313 State Street. It was recently assessed for $210,000, and because they claim to be using it for tax-exempt purposes, Galvan does not pay a penny in taxes on it. Technically, 313 State is owned by Galvan Asset Management, Inc., one of Galvan's subsidiaries, if you will. They have owned the 2-family building since 1999, according to public records.
What Next?
When the lovely and welcoming "GOT MOLD?" sign at the Greenport Shop Rite entrance is finally replaced (and not a second too soon!...
Did someone say something about the need for a stop sign? At the November 2022 Informal Common Council meeting, 4th ward alder Malachi Walke...
I recall that it was in the winter of 2015 that Hudson City Hall (or just DPW) made the brilliant decision to turn the basketball courts at ...
It appears that National Grid recently packed up and moved on after finally completing their gas line replacement work in the 200 block of S...