Wednesday, July 3, 2024

3 Feet Is All You Need! (Life In The Walkable, Friendly City)

Chapter 266-7 of the City Code is titled Sidewalk Obstructions.  It begins, "The Common Council of the City of Hudson has determined that the obstruction of the public sidewalk is a nuisance and cannot be tolerated... the following regulations apply...[there must be] a minimum of 4 feet (sic) clear space on the sidewalk."
Yesterday, as on many other days and likely today, the hotel and cafe at 3rd & Warren was okay with offering all pedestrians almost exactly 3 feet of clear sidewalk.  If Code Enforcement doesn't care about the code, why would The Maker or any other businesses on Warren and elsewhere care either?  Why not just offer 2 feet of width?  How about none?

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Open For Business! Hopin' For Busy Sidewalks!


An Anniversary Of Sorts!

It has been just over 6 months since this teal blue car with Maine plates and a flat tire parked unmoved in the City Hall municipal parking lot in a working metered parking space was issued a $250 parking permit by the City Clerk's office.  The city of Hudson issues permits to people so that they can place the permit in any vehicle they like, even one with 1 or 4 flat tires that remains in a metered parking space for the entire year the permit is valid.  No questions asked!

Meanwhile, to rid the city of its downtown parking woes, the Parking Committee is doing its very best to purchase and implement a new, improved and expensive high tech parking meter system, including in our parking lots.  Let's all celebrate!!!

Monday, July 1, 2024

How To Show You Care About Hudson, According to The City's Largest Property Owner and Their Friends At Hudson City Hall

Ever since a private sanitation company worker was killed in October 2022 while servicing the dumpster at Galvan's apartment complex in the 200 block of State Street, tenants there have had no choice but to leave their bagged and bulk trash on the ground where a large dumpster was once available for their use.  Yes, 24/7/365, Galvan's tenants are expected to leave their bagged trash on the ground in a non-enclosed space, free for any and all to see and smell, for all vermin to tear into and for litter to be blown elsewhere, especially in the recent never-ending wind.  Of course, even if Galvan's genius garbage "enclosure" were to have a gate, vermin would still have a feast every night inside of it, especially in the warmer months.  

3 Feet Is All You Need! (Life In The Walkable, Friendly City)

Chapter 266-7 of the City Code is titled Sidewalk Obstructions.   It begins, "The Common Council of the City of Hudson has determined t...